Sunday, 12 February 2017

Brutality: Age of Ishtar

The following is an battle report for a game I played. I was trying out the rules of a new game, currently under development, called, "Brutality".

The facebook page for "Brutality" can be found here:

This game pitted two groups of Chaos Warriors against each other in a battle for the favour of the goddess, Ishtar. The two warring bands were as follows...

The Skull Takers

This Warband took the Faction Ability: +2 Armour

From left to right, they are:

Skullbeard, Ranged/Artillery
Skullhelm, Melee/Berserk
Bloodsecrator, Hero/Icon (Re-roll To Hit rolls in Melee)
Dentax, Support/Mobile Support (Enhance and Teleport)
Noskull, Fast/Ambush

The Blood Takers

This Warband took the Faction Ability: +1 Fighting Skill and +1 Attack

From left to right, they are:

Topknot, Fast/Beast
Banner*, Support/Icon (+1 Fighting Skill and +1 Attack)
Bloodstoker, Hero/Pistolier
Headhunter, Melee/Breacher
Horns, Melee/Berserker

*I forgot to give Banner his two Powers for being a Support.

The battle was fought in the ruins of some once great city.

The red monster atop the steps in the centre of the board is the Altar of Ishtar. The two circular well-like features to the left and right of the Altar are the Salvage Points; Skull Pits.


The Blood Takers deployed in a tight group to maximize the effect of their banner.

The Skull Takers deployed opposite them.

One member of the Warband, Noskull, has the Ambush Upgrade and will not arrive until Turn 2.

Turn One

The Skull Taker's won the roll off for first turn.

However, it immediately became obvious that they had make a tactical error, deploying Skullbeard (their long range sniper) in a vantage point from which he was actually unable to see the enemy.

In an attempt to remedy this, Dentax flew towards the enemy's flank and then attempted to Teleport Skullbeard in to a better position.

Unfortunately, Dentax failed his Will roll, and was unwilling to take a wound to activate the power. He also forgot to use his Enhance Power to boost Skullbeard's abilities.

For the Blood Takers, Topknot moved and then ran to reach the Altar of Ishtar.

Skullhelm then moved and ran in to a position to charge Topknot next turn.

Bloodstoker moved up and lashed Skullhelm twice with his cruel whip (this counts as two close range missile weapons thanks to Bloodstoker's Pistolier Upgrade).

He managed to inflict a normal hit and a critical hit, for a total of three hits.

Skullhelm failed all three Saves; suffering three wounds, and Dex -4 and Fighting Skill -2. This leaves Skullhelm barely hanging on to his life, with only one wound left.

Bloodsecrator then moved and ran up to the Altar, so that his allies would gain the advantage of his banner.

Banner follows suit, moving and running to the Altar.

In an attempt to get sight of the enemy, Skullbeard jumped down from his vantage point. Unfortunately, he failed his Dex roll and suffered a Crushing Wound, reducing his Move by -2".

He then hobbled down the flank to a window that afforded him a view of the action around the Altar.

Headhunter moved up to the nearest Skull Pit and successfully searched it; scoring one victory point for Blood Takers and gaining an Experience Point.

Horns tried the same thing, but managed to fall in to the pit, becoming stuck.

Victory Points: Skull Takers 0/ Blood Takers 1

Turn 2
The Skull Takers got to go first again.

Skullhelm moved past Topknot, staying more than 2” away, and then charged in to him from behind.

Skullhelm made three attacks, failing to hit with any of them. However, he was able to re-roll them due to his Berserker Upgrade. He could have got the same re-roll from Bloodsecrator's Icon Upgrade, but I assumed these don't stack.

This renewed flurry of blows only managed to score one hit on Topknot, who was able to make his Save and avoid any damage.

Topknot's strike back was equally unspectacular. Slappy Fight for the Slappy Fight God!

Bloodstoker then charged Skullhelm in the back. As he was within 6” of Banner, he gained an extra Fighting Skill +1 and Attacks +1. That was six attacks at Fight 8!

Bloodstoker scored 5 hits, two of which bounced off Skullhelm's armour. However, this rain of blows was enough to slay Skullheim and earn the Blood Takers another Victory Point.  Bloodstoker also gained an Experience Point.

As he was dead, Skullhelm did not get to strike back against Bloodstoker.

Skullbeard took aim at Banner, but, despite the bonus for aiming, still managed to narrowly miss his target.

Free from the threat of Skullhelm, Topknot successfully prayed at the Altar, scoring another Victory Point for the Blood Takers and an Experience Point for himself.

Dentax flew to Bloodsecrator's side and attempted to Enhance him. However, Dentax fumbled his Will roll, and suffered a wound instead.

Meanwhile Banner prayed at the Altar, gaining the Blood Takers another Victory Point and an Experience Point for himself.

At this moment, Noskull, the Skull Taker's sneaky Ambush specialist, leapt from the shadows, attempting to appear in Banner's rear arc.

However, he scattered in to Banner's front arc instead and then barely managed to charge his target. However (thanks to a re-roll from Bloodsecrator's Icon Upgrade), Noskull managed to score four wounds on Banner by scoring two critical hits.

Banner failed all of his Saves, and was hacked to pieces. As he had been attacked from the front, Banner got to strike back, but was ineffective; and so he died a weaklings death.

This scored one Victory Point for the Skull Takers and one Experience Point for Noskull.

While Horns attempted to free himself from the Skull Pit, and failed; Bloodsecrator moved in to position to charge Topknot, but stumbled on the steps (He rolled 1" for his Charge Distance) and was left looking rather foolish.

Finally Headhunter showed his clumsy ally how to search a Skull Pit and earned the Blood Takers another Victory Point, and himself another Experience Point.

Victory Point: Skull Takers 1/ Blood Takers 5

Turn 3

The Skull Takers got to go first again.

Bloodsecrator charged Topknot. Topknot suffers two wounds, and Dex -2 and was also Disarmed.

Topknot struck back and managed to inflict one wound in return, plus a rather nasty Fighting Skill -2 to Bloodsecrator.

In danger of being swamped from both sides, Topknot rearmed himself and then attacked Bloodsecrator.

Bloodsecrator's heavy armour proved totally ineffectual against this assault, and Topknot managed a critical strike on his target, inflicting two wounds, plus an additional wound and Bleeding.

This left Bloodsecrator is a desperate position. With only one wound remaining, he would bleed to death the next time he activated. His only hope was thar someone would Staunch his bleeding. Surely one member of his loyal Warband would think to come to their leader's aid?

Despite being hacked to bits and having to lean on his banner to stay upright, Bloodsectrator's strike back proved fatal for Topknot; earning the Skull Taker's a Victory Point and an Experience Point for himself.

So mighty was the clash of these two Chaos Warriors, that the ground shook, and the photo came out shaky.

Dentax swooped towards the Blood Taker's Skull Pit and managed to cast Enhance on Noskull; this Power inflicted one wound on his ally, while also buffing Noskull's Abilities.

Bloodstoker used his whip to lash at both Noskull and Dentax. 

Noskull managed to dodge the attack, solely due to his Enhanced Dexterity. While a successful hit on Dentax scored one wound, but no other effects.

Noskull then moved close to Bloodstoker, but then failed his charge. The uneven flagstones of the Dias of Ishtar seem to be a particular problem for the heavily armoured Skull Takers.

Horns finally extricated himself from the Skull Pit and charged Dentax.

He manages to score a massive four hits, thanks in part to his Berserk Upgrade allowing him to re-roll misses in melee combat.

Dentax's mighty armour deflected three of these blows; but the last one found a chink in his defences and slew him. Maybe having a massive mouth hole in the middle of his torso armour wasn't the most practical option?

Dentax's strike back was ineffectual; evidently he had been concentrating on defending himself; and such a cowardly act evidently angered the Gods.

The Blood Taker's scored another Victory Point, and Horns gained an Experience Point.

Skullbeard hobbled forward and unleashed an extremely accurate long range shot at Horns; inflicting two hits.

While Horns managed to defect one of these hits, the other struck a vulnerable spot, causing an extra wound, and Bleeding.

Like Bloodsecrator, Horns' life hung in the balance. He would lose his last remaining wound when he next activated, unless someone came to his aid and Staunched his bleeding.

Headhunter could have gone to Horns' assistance, but must have decided that First Aid was for the weak, and that collecting skulls was more important.

In his fervour to gather more trophies, Headhunter stumbled while scavenging the Skull Pit and became trapped.

Victory Points: Skull Takers 2/Blood Takers 6

Turn Four

Finally the Blood Takers won the initiative and got to first.

Bloodstoker lashed Bloodsecrator, hitting him once, but failing to penetrate his armour.

Noskull maneuvered behind Bloodstoker, and charged him in the back. 
Bloodstoker's defences crumbled before Noskull's onslaught, and he sufferd three wounds and dropped his whip.

Barely surviving this craven assault, Bloodstoker struck back and slew Noskull for his termerity in blind-siding the Chaos Hero.

The Blood Takers earned another Victory Point, and a second Experience Point for Bloodstoker.

Headhunter freed himself from the Skull Pit, but decided to search it again rather than going to Horn's assistance. This time he was successful, scoring another Victory Point for the Blood Takers and another Experience Point for himself.
Meanwhile, not content to let Horns just bleed to death, Skullbeard took aim and slew him, Scoring a Victory Point for the Skull Takers and an Experience Point for himself.

Bloodsecrator crawled towards the Altar and anointing it with his own freely flowing blood, and died; scoring a final Victory Point for the Blood Takers.

Victory Points: Skull Takers 3/Blood Takers 9

The new dawn saw the dead reawakening back at their camp, while the living bemoaned their wounds.

The final butcher's bill was:

The Skull Takers
Bloodsecrator: reborn with 1 Insanity Point and 1 Experience Point
Dentax: reborn with 1 Insanity Point
Skullhelm: reborn with 1 Insanity Point
Skullbeard: alive, but with a Move of only 2"; but also with 2 Experience Points
Noskull: reborn with 1 Insanity Point and 1 Experience Point

The Blood Takers
Bloodstoker: alive, but with his Fighting Skill reduced from 6 to 4; but also with 4 Experience Points
Banner: reborn with 1 Insanity Point and 2 Experience Point
Headhunter: alive and uninjured, and with 5 Experience Points; such is the reward of the craven scavenger
Horns: reborn with 1 Insanity Point and 2 Experience Points
Topknot: reborn with 1 Insanity Point and 2 Experience Points

The Blood Takers also gain 1 Favour Point from Ishtar.


Thing I forgot
I forgot to give Banner his two Powers for being a Support character. This didn't prove too bad as he spent his time praying instead of casting Powers. However, it would have given him more tactical options.

I forgot to allow re-rolls on the Wound Chart for characters with allies within 3". This probably wasn't a massive effect, as I forgot it for both sides, and most casualties were hacked to bits instead of being whittled away by extra wound effects.

I forgot to separate combatants by 2" after combat. Once again, I forgot for both sides; however this is quite an important one to remember, as it allows an attacker to re-position themself after a combat. This means they can make an effort to protect their back against enemy charges.

This was a good fun game; fast and appropriately brutal.

There is enough tactical depth, with the effects of Banners, the interaction of Upgrades, and the importance of keeping the enemy away from you rear arc, to keep things interesting.

The roleplaying aspects of gaining experience and the narrative emerging from the die-rolling are an added source of fun.


  1. Awesome! I couple take aways I got form this are: Skullbeard is a little slow on the uptake, but when he gets going he is pretty good. he was the one I was rooting for. Also getting two guys' feet stuck in skull pits was hilarious. My son and I just sat down and read this together. He was rooting for Blood Takers, I was rooting for Skull Takers. That was a great, fun read.

    1. I've had fun playing the game, so thanks for inviting me along in the first place.

  2. Also, I love the names you gave them... :D

    1. Thanks. The two leaders were using their official Games Workshop names, of course; but the rest were named after significant points on the models, so I could tell them apart ;)
